Information for guests of the Sail + Motor Boat Division

The Water Club Schierstein
welcomes guests warmly and wish you a pleasant stay

For guests of our club we are obvi­ous­ly in the con­text of the oppor­tu­ni­ties pro­vid­ed tem­po­rary guest moor­ings, some infor­ma­tion about the active link.

Infor­ma­tion for guests of the Sail + Motor Boat Division,

The WVS in Schier­stein Har­bour branch SKM 506 is locat­ed in the port land­side — medi­um plant -.
On the motor boat dock bar 1 in the West, the sail- and power­boat Depart­ment wel­comes Guest boat. We can offer there 3 tem­po­rary guest berths and sit­u­a­tion­al more free time moorings.
The web is not in sea­son through­out super­vised by a bridge atten­dant, so phone in advance mes­sages usu­al­ly are not possible.
Guest boat may approach free guest berths inde­pen­dent­ly. On the web you will find a guest reg­is­tra­tion with all nec­es­sary info, elec­tric­i­ty and water supply.
The club build­ing has toi­lets, the club­house is all year man­aged the Greek restau­rant To Limani.
In the port area of ​​the har­bor are with­in walk­ing Schier­stein­er in some oth­er restau­rants with­in walk­ing dis­tance, as well as sev­er­al boat ser­vice stations.
The dis­trict Schier­stein the state cap­i­tal Wies­baden, 10 min­utes to city cen­ter, has almost all the pow­er options.
City bus­es in the city of Wies­baden run reg­u­lar­ly from the port Ron­dell from land­side, right across from the har­bor entrance. From the bus sta­tion Schier­stein cen­ter there are also bus ser­vices to the Rhein­gau. There invite a large num­ber of wine hik­ing trails through the vine­yards with panoram­ic views of the Rhine with its Altrhein arms and sev­er­al winer­ies with wine bar and wine tav­erns to a stop. Even with the bike, you can open up the Rhein­gau along the dike to the west.
Schier­stein­er har­bor as that jew­el of the Mid­dle Rhine ‘is cer­tain­ly worth a visit.

loca­tion plan(Ger­man Version)